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By Mike Jeknavorian

Joe Posa performed his one-man show, The Bitch Is Back!: Joe Posa as Joan Rivers, to a packed house at The Grille On The Drive this past Friday.  And although most people are aware that there’s no shortage of Joan Rivers impersonators, none of the other performers are likely as proficient at imitating Rivers as Posa was.  Through his own blend of alchemy, Posa captured Rivers—even down to her posture—to the point where there were moments that one forgot that they were seeing an impersonation and not the real deal.  Nevertheless, impersonations are one thing; it’s another to be able to think in someone else’s persona.  Mr. Posa successfully accomplished both.  No doubt, the astute observer realized that they were witnessing two things at once in Posa’s performance: an impersonation, and a layer beneath, a skilled improv comic at work.  If you missed Posa’s show, you can check him out at the Rrazz Room in Boca Raton on December 14.  The show should be listed shortly.  Manny Estralla accompanied himself nicely on the piano after Posa’s show.