A “305er” for life, DJ Citizen Jane talks about what’s hot in South Florida, the lessons she learned from her mother, and who she’d like to raise from the dead

Where did you grow up? I was born in Miami Beach, but I grew up in Dade County’s finest—Hialeah. Then I moved to Coral Gables, and I lived there for the most part. How long have you lived in South Florida? I’ve lived in South Florida my whole life. I’m one of the few that was born and raised in South Florida, and I still live here. I guess you can say that I’ll be “305” till’ I die. What part of South Florida do you live in? I currently live in Miami, of course. Right near the beach! What do you like most about living here? Aside from it being my hometown—which I’m very proud of—I love the warm weather, the beaches, the women (Miami has the most beautiful women) and being near my family. My family is so important to me. What South Florida venue do you miss that’s gone? Tobacco Road. I performed there a few times when I was singing with my band. Plus, it was such a cool hangout full of musicians and all walks-of-life. Where do you hang out in South Florida, and why? I love Wynwood because it’s a great spot for bar hopping and art galleries. I also love having lunch or dinner on Lincoln Road. It’s a great place to people watch. What DJ or musician do you admire? Lady Gaga, for being her true self, taking risks with her music and for being so unique. And Madonna for always expressing herself and not caring about how people perceive her.
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What the best club that you’ve ever been too? I loved Karu & Y. I have some great memories there. Currently, I love Heart Nightclub. What’s your favorite kind of music? If I’m going dancing, or even dancing at my house, I love me some house music. But if I’m just chilling at home or driving, I love easy listening music. Especially 93.1 FM. What the best place that you’ve DJ’d, and why? Everywhere that I perform leaves an imprint in my heart, but headlining in Australia at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras was just epic! Seeing over 45,000 people dancing to my beats went beyond my expectations. What are your future goals? I’m currently working on producing some of my own songs, where I’ll be singing. I’ll have guest singers participating as well. Will you ever retire? No way! You can never retire from what you love. What’s the last thing that you looked at online? I was probably shopping. I’m not gonna lie. I’m a fashion freak! Who or what is the greatest love of your life? My girlfriend, because she gets me. What talent would you most like to have? I would love to be invisible, so I could see and hear what certain people do or say. Or would that be a super power…? How do you most enjoy spending your time? I love spending time just chilling with my girlfriend, my family, my dogs and my friends. Just hanging out at my house or in the pool. That makes me so happy.
Who is your Celebrity Crush? Just one?! Wow, this is a hard question. I will have to go with Kendall Jenner and Sandra Bullock. Who do you admire? I admire my mom for being such a great role model of female power and strength. She’s the most amazing mother anyone could ask for. I also admire my girlfriend, because not only is she the most wonderful single mother of two, but she handles everything around the house effortlessly. Sometimes I look at her and say where does she get all this strength and energy from. If you could bring someone back from the dead, who would it be, and why? I will have to be greedy with this question and say my two grandmothers and my aunt (who was also my godmother). They were all my best friends, and I miss them so much every day. Where would you go in a time machine, and why? I would go back to my childhood, to our “Noche Buena” family reunions, when all my family members were still here. What would your last meal be? Arroz imperial. It’s my favorite Cuban cuisine. What do you worry about? I am a worry freak. I worry about my family, my girlfriend, my dogs. But I mostly worry about my mom. She has Alzheimer’s, and I worry about her constantly. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be, and why? Definitely a guitar, because I love to be held tight and caressed all over.
Are you more like a sheep or a wolf? A wolf, because a wolf doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep. Who depends on you, and for what? My dogs, because they’re my babies. They need my love and snuggles. They also need me to feed them, walk them and care for them. Who are you closest with? My mother. She has always been my best friend. What would your autobiography be called? Meet Me on the Dance Floor Wearing Chanel. Do you ever put music on when you’re upset? All the time! Music heals everything. Ever since I was a kid, music was the friend that I always turned to for everything. Through good and bad, it’s always been there for me. What’s on your bucket list? Going to Greece, Egypt, and Maldives, having sex in a helicopter while flying over the New York City skyline, sailing around the world in my own sailboat, getting married, and writing a book! What’s your greatest regret in life? Waiting so long to take the risk of working on my music career full-time. Tell me something that you’ve never told anyone else. When I drive alone in my car, I turn the music up really loud, sing at the top of my lungs, and pretend that I’m in concert. But then again, I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one with that secret. Where can we see you? I’m mostly on tour, so your best bet is to follow me on social media. That way, you can always stay up-to-date and know where I am next. And I love hearing from my fans, so drop me a line or two at Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat (at DJCITIZENJANE), YouTube or Twitter.