From crack whorehouses in Hollywood, to men getting fisted next to her on a movie set while she’s putting on her makeup, international drag star Sherry Vine tries to make the most out of each and every day

Where did you grow up? In Columbia, Maryland. What do you miss about Columbia? Absolutely nothing! Where do you live now? In NYC, in the Hell’s Kitchen area. What’s something that’s unique about New York that would surprise most people? People always say, “There’s too much concrete.” And I say, “Honey, there’s this little thing called Central Park.” Surprise! What New York venue do you miss that’s gone? Many of the ones from the 1990’s: Bar d’O, Jackie 60, Squeezebox and BoyBar. If you had to live somewhere else, where would you live, and why? Barcelona. It’s my favorite city for culture, food, beach, art and men. I’m always content there.
Will you do anything fun while you’re in South Florida? Yes. I’ll go to the mall (laughs). What’s your claim-to-fame? International drag darling, YouTube sensation, and the creator and star of She’s Living for This. How did you come up with your name? There was a building on Vine Street in Hollywood that looked like a crack whorehouse. Appropriate. Other than your own TV series, what’s your favorite TV show or film that you’ve been in, and why? Scream, Teen, Scream. We had so much fun filming it, and 20 years later, it’s still funny. Did you watch the sex scenes being filmed in The Raspberry Reich? No, but someone was getting fisted next to me, at 7:00 a.m., while I was doing my make-up.

What town did you perform in that was most unique, and why? Bisbee, Arizona. It’s the strangest mix of people: gays, lesbians, trans, bikers, and copper miners. But they all get along, and it works. What’s your dream gig or role? My own variety show, like She’s Living for This. Which one of your old jobs least prepared you for what you do now? Folding sweaters at Benetton. How would you like to be remembered? “Sherry made me laugh when I needed it.” Will you ever retire? I hope not! What’s the weirdest question that a fan has asked? “Why?” (laughs). Literally, that’s what was asked. A guy came up to me and just said, “why?”
What celebrity did you act like a “fan” around? Carol Burnett and Madonna. What’s the last thing that you looked at online? Press-on fingernails. What’s the best place that you’ve visited, and why? Budapest. It’s a stunning city. What’s something that you learned in life only when you got older? How to peel away the layers of bullshit and the things that don’t matter, and how to focus on what does. Let go, girl! What did you learn from your parents? Unconditional love and empathy, and how to laugh. If a politician that you didn’t like was drowning, would you save him or her? Yes.
What’s your favorite drink? Jack Daniels and ginger beer. What’s your most treasured possession? I’m not materialistic, but I treasure my photo albums. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Either living or dead, who would you love to have lunch with? Carol Burnett. What performer do you admire, and why? Jackie Beat. She’s lightning fast. What’s your best characteristic? That I genuinely care. How do you enjoy spending your time? Watching the same Marvel movies over and over. What celebrity do you have a crush on? Joe Manganiello.
If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be, and why? Douglas Sanders, who passed away too young. He was my best friend and co-conspirator in theater. Where would you go in a time machine, and why? To Studio 54, in the 1970’s, so that I could dance and party! What would your last meal be? Popeyes fried chicken and a milk shake. What do you worry about? The next gig (laughs)! What are you afraid of? Spiders. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be, and why? An electric guitar. It’s so sexual. Are you more like a sheep or a wolf? Both, depending on my mood. Who depends on you? I don’t think that anyone depends on me, actually.

Who are you closest with? I’m very close to my parents. I’m also close with Josh, Erik, Bruce and Jackie. Oh, and Joey Arias. What would your autobiography be called? Little Votive Nights. What music do you listen to when you’re upset? I play the guitar. It always lifts me up. What’s on your bucket list? I don’t have one. I try to do what I wanna do as it comes up. What’s your greatest regret in life? Je ne regrette rien. What’s something that you never told anyone else? I’ll never tell. Where can we see you? You can see me this Friday and Saturday at The Pub. I’m also all over the world with lots of exciting shows. Check out my website for my schedule!