An artists’ domain is essentially a solo one. From his studio in Brooklyn, artist and ex-club kid Walt Cassidy discusses his predilections, as well as the release of his new book.

Where did you grow up? I grew up between Southern California and the Missouri Ozarks. Is there anything special about those areas that isn’t common knowledge? No. What was the best club kid party of them all? Disco 2000. What outlaw party stands out the most to you? The Highline. What club kid was the most underrated? The ratings were pretty accurate. What club kid surprised you the most with his or her career? None. Everyone was distinctly talented. The people who were less talented did less talented things. What’s the scariest or weirdest thing that happened to you during those club kid days? Doing time-traveling experiments at the Chelsea Hotel was the most eccentric experience. Who’s your favorite hardcore band? The Plasmatics.
What’s the best show that you did with your band BOOB? All the shows at the Westbeth Theater were fantastic. It was the perfect setting for our style of performance, and our show and music had really gelled at that point. What New York venue that’s gone do you miss the most? The Palladium is the most tragic loss because of the architectural achievements that were erased by its destruction. It should have been deemed a historic landmark. Everyone knows that New York isn’t what it used to be, but what’s still special about it? The parks and the beaches. If you had to live somewhere other than New York, where would you live? In Paris. I love the North African influence in the city. Who’s your favorite visual artist? I will say, “myself.” Otherwise, the list is too long and detailed. What’s the most special art opening that you’ve had so far? My first solo show at Invisible Exports.

How do you describe yourself? As an interdisciplinary artist. Which one of your old jobs least prepared you for what you do now? I’ve gotten something out of every job or project in life so far. Will you ever retire? There is nothing to retire from. My life is built off of my creativity, and I would never want to put that down. What’s the weirdest question that a fan’s asked you? Someone once insisting that I had sex with them, when I did not. What other celebrity did you act like a “fan” around? None. Celebrity has never impressed me. What’s the last thing that you looked at online? News on The Guardian. What’s the best place that you’ve ever visited? Paris. If God were to take you tomorrow, how would you like to be remembered? As unique. Who would you like to be for a day? No one. I’m very happy being myself. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes.

Do you think that this is the most amoral time that’s ever existed? There is an ebb and flow throughout history. Who or what is the greatest love of your life? My creativity. What talent would you most like to have? I‘d like to have better computer skills. Particularly, with Illustrator. What have you been doing to keep yourself busy during the quarantine? I’ve remained extremely busy negotiating and developing additional projects related to my book, New York: Club Kids. I have some very exciting things in the pipeline, so stay tuned. If you were a dictator with unlimited powers, what would you do first? I’d abolish the police force and the electoral college. What’s something that you learned in life only when you got older? How to meditate, and the knowledge that creativity will get you over every obstacle in life.

What did you learn from your parents? Independence. Who’s your favorite performer? I missed the emergence of people like Frank Ocean, Drake, and Tyler the Creator, since I was too focused on my own world. So I’ve been enjoying catching up on their work recently. What’s your best characteristic? Intuition, honesty and courage. How do you enjoy spending your time? Doing creative problem-solving. How do you take your coffee or tea? I don’t drink caffeine. I start my day with lemon, apple cider vinegar, and ice cold water. What celebrity do you have crush on? Mahmood. Who do you admire? People with courage. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be? My dear friend, Anita Pallenberg. Where would you go in a time machine? To Babylon.

What would your last meal be? I’m into frozen fruit at the moment. What do you worry about? I don’t worry so much about anything, but I am haunted by some memories. What are you afraid of? Getting to a point where I no longer change and evolve. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be? A sax. Are you more like a sheep or a wolf? A wolf. Who depends on you, and for what? The present day does, because I am present. Who are you closest with? My creativity. What’s on your bucket list? To go to Morocco. What’s something secretive about you that people don’t know? I don’t keep secrets. What’s on the horizon for you? There are a couple projects related to the book on the table. Where can we see you? On my website, or Google “Walt Cassidy.” I’m easy to find.