With a new career photographing men in stylized states of nature, Anthony Timiraos—one of main founders of South Florida’s Our Fund—is always on the go. But he still has time to do this every week with his 92-year-old mother.
Where did you grow up? In Cuba. I left in 1962, when I was eight—don’t bother doing the math, I’m 65. My family was part of the Pedro Pan Exodus. Me and my 11-year-old brother came to the U.S. first, and my parents and younger brother came two years later. Me and my brother lived in several locations during those two years, including a catholic orphanage in upstate New York. What do you miss about Cuba? I was too young when I left, so I can honestly say that I don’t miss anything. How long have you lived in South Florida? Since 2003. Me and my husband moved here from Connecticut. Why did you move here? For the lifestyle and weather, but not necessarily in that order.
What do you miss about New England? Living close to New York allowed us to drive into the city anytime we pleased. It’s hard to replace what New York has to offer. What part of South Florida do you live in? Fort Lauderdale. What do you like most about living here? I love the weather and the sense of community in the LGBT community. Where do you hang out in South Florida, and why? At home, in the photo studio, on the beach during sunrise, at that gym, and at tai chi lessons. What’s your claim-to-fame? I don’t have any specific “claim-to-fame,” but I’m hopeful that through my philanthropy, including Out Fund, that I’ve helped to make this community a better place to live. Which one of your old jobs least prepared you for what you do now? Newspaper delivery at 5:00 a.m. during my early teens.

How would you like to be remembered? I’m a member of the Legacy Society at Our Fund, and me and my husband have designated an endowment there from our estate. I hope the endowment will continue to help our South Florida LGBT community, forever, and I hope that others will do the same. Will you ever retire? Probably not, as long as my health allows me to remain active. I consider that photography is my new job, but, unfortunately, the financial rewards are minimal at best. What’s the last thing that you looked at online? My Instagram page. What’s the best place that you’ve visited, and why Barcelona and Madrid, because the quality of life in both cities is impressive.

Who would you like to be for a day, and why? President Obama, because he taught this country many lessons, but, unfortunately, many were not paying attention. Do you believe in an afterlife? It’s hard to believe in anything that I don’t understand. Do you think that this is the most amoral time that’s ever existed? Yes. Who or what is the greatest love of your life? My husband, Arthur. How long have you been married? We’ve been together since May 8, 1970, and we got married in New York in 2013. What’s your recipe for success in a relationship? Hard work and honesty. What talent would you most like to have? Concert pianist. What’s something that you learned in life only when you got older? That life’s too short.

What did you learn from your parents? Hard work and honesty. What’s your best characteristic? Patience. How do you enjoy spending your time? Doing photography. What celebrity do you have a crush on? There’s too many to list. Who do you admire, and why? The Obamas, because they’ve set a new standard for honesty, service to our country, and compassion. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be, and why? Everyone who died from AIDS, because they were all taken away from us too soon. Where would you go in a time machine, and why? I would turn the machine off and walk the other way. What would your last meal be? Tapas in Barcelona. What do you worry about? A constitutional crisis in the USA.
What are you afraid of? A constitutional crisis in the USA. If you were a musical instrument, what would you be, and why? The fiddle, because of its simple and playful sounds. Are you more like a sheep or a wolf? A sheep on one end, but a wolf on the other. You decide which end is which. Who depends on you, and for what? My 94-year old mother depends on me and my husband for her Saturday lunch at a local restaurant. Who are you closest with? My husband. What would your autobiography be called? Move Along. I’ve lived in 26 different locations during the past 65 years. What music do you listen to when you’re upset? Classical music. Where can we see you? On my website!