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Scandals Saloon in Wilton Manors hosted their Mr. Scandals contest last night, with original Mr. Scandals John Mosca relinquishing his “crown” to winner Matthew Hermann.  The crowed event, which was judged by six judges, saw five contestants competing for the title.  Categories included casual cowboy, gymwear/swimwear, and formal cowboy.  General manager Alex Amarosa was the master of ceremonies, with additional entertainment provided by Jessica Channing and Jennifer McClain.


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By Mike Jeknavorian

Scandals in Wilton Manors hosted the annual Leather Masked Ball XIII last night.  The event—which was sponsored by the charitable organization, the Lambda Men’s Brotherhood—brought out many members of the leather community.  The event also featured several licentious demonstrations in the venue’s outdoor area, along with a $100 contest for the best mask.  The event went from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., with the heaviest crowds between 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.


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March may have gone out like a lamb, but Scandals Saloon didn’t.  On a cloudy afternoon, and after a week of record-breaking rain, Scandals Saloon, the only gay country bar in South Florida, closed its doors for good last Sunday.  The sudden closing, with barely more than a week’s notice, was not without emotion.  Longtime patron and Gospel Jubilee cast member, Doug Blevins, said, “I’ve been crying all week.” Others lamented that the bar was one of the few places left where strangers actually talked and socialized with each other.  The closing may have been precipitated by the lack of public parking when Kmart—the neighbor across the street—closed, thereby forcing patrons to utilize valet.  Regardless, hoards came out of hibernation to say farewell to the popular bar, as it was more crowded than its been in years.