From the incipiency of the Big Bang, to standing on the equator, humanitarian Sue Martino has a lot of things on her mind, including a humane vision for all of Florida’s sheltered pets

Where did you grow up? In New York City. How long have you lived in South Florida? Since August 2006. Why did you move here? A business partner asked me to operate and manage a few of his small hotels in Fort Lauderdale beach. What part of South Florida do you live in? In Wilton Manors. What do you like most about living here? I think I like the weather most. Second would be the openness. What South Florida venue do you miss that’s gone? The Copa and the tea dances at the beach. Where do you hang out in South Florida, and why? I patronize the restaurants and shops on Wilton Drive. I also enjoy meeting friends at the small neighborhood bars such as Smarty Pants and Mona’s. What’s your claim-to-fame? Heading up the Pet Project. What was your first pet? A dog named “Fluffy.” What’s your favorite pet? I love all of my pets—past, present and future.
How many pets do you think The Pet Project has serviced? Over the past 15 years, I’m sure over 20,000. Are you a vegetarian? No. How would you like to be remembered? As a person who cared and wanted to make a difference in the lives of animals and in the lives of humans who are disabled, ill or aging. Will you ever retire? No, I don’t think so. I have too much to accomplish yet. What’s the last thing that you looked at online? My emails. What’s the best place that you’ve visited, and why? So far, it would have to be Disney World. It’s the “happiest place on earth,” and I love the magic! For a foreign trip, it would have to be the Panama Canal. What an amazing part of the world. The beauty, the two connecting oceans, the vessels that sail through the canal, the bridge that towers over the canal connecting the two sides… just breathtaking and amazing. What do you think is your greatest achievement? Taking The Pet Project to the level we are at today, and being chosen as the Florida affiliate for the Rescue Bank.

What’s your favorite book? The Celestine Prophecy. How do you most enjoy spending your time? Hanging at home with my wife and my pets. What celebrity do you have a crush on? No crushes, but I respect Ellen DeGeneres. I think that she’s very courageous and giving. Who do you admire? Celine Dion. She’s a wonderful singer, and she was a loyal wife. She’s also strong, smart, and a good person. She really is a role model for women. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be, and why? My mom, because I miss her. And I sometimes need her strength and inspiration. Where would you go in a time machine, and why? To the Big Bang. I would like to experience the beginning of the universe. What would your last meal be? Scrambled eggs with American cheese, an English muffin, French fries and a glass of milk. What do you worry about? I worry about the lives of innocent animals who are abused or abandoned or surrendered to overcrowded shelters. They must be so hurt inside, and many are suffering.
If you were a musical instrument, what would you be, and why? I think I would be a set of drums because they’re the backbone of music. They’re the beat and the “life” of music, and they’re strong. I like that. Are you more like a sheep or a wolf? I am definitely more like a wolf. I’m a risk-taker, I have no fear of most things, and I would stand up to anything. Who depends on you, and for what? A lot of people and their pets depend on me for basic essentials. My own pets depend on me as well. Who are you closest with? My wife and my god daughter. What would your autobiography be called? Finding the Way, No Matter What. Do you ever put music on when you’re upset? Yes. Music always makes me feel better. I like the solid-gold oldies, disco, dance music and Broadway hits. What’s on your bucket list? A month or longer in Italy, a trip to the Galapagos, a cruise around the world, and I want to stand on the equator. I also want to expand the Pet Project to all states, and I’d like to see all of Florida as “no-kill” state.
High Road Wag’nRide Doggie Car Seat Organizer
What’s your greatest regret in life? That I didn’t do more to help animals earlier in my life. But I’m working hard to make up for lost time. Tell me something that you’ve never told anyone else. I’ll tell you something that occurred recently that I wouldn’t have told anyone else. As Irma was approaching—and I’ve never experienced a hurricane before—I began to put a few clients and their pets who were at risk of flooding into the Pet Project building. As I left the building, I realized that over 900 people and over 1,100 pets depended on me and the Pet Project, and I was afraid. It never dawned on me before the magnitude of the people and pets who would need help if there had been a really bad disaster. It left me very shaken. But thank the universe, we all survived. Where can we see you? At The Pet Project almost every day!